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  • The Brink (2017) (DVD) (Hong Kong Version)The Brink (2017) (DVD) (Hong Kong Version)

    The Brink (2017) (DVD) (Hong Kong Version) DVD Region 3

    Customer Review Rated Bad 8 - 8 out of 10 (1)
    Our Price: US$10.99
    Usually ships within 7 to 14 days
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    August 16, 2019 Good Finale Customer Review Rated Bad 8 - 8 out of 10
    The Brink is a very good action film. Like most Hong Kong thrillers, the focus is on the elaborately choreographed action scenes and sure enough, it does not disappoint. I thought Zhang Jin was very good is his lead role and for me this could be his best role. Shawn Yue was also good as the stony-faced menacing villain.
    The best part in the film is the brutal finale which delivers on all levels.
    I rated the film 4 out of 5 because it is by no mean a classic and I would of liked to see the 2-on 1 fight scene at the end-a little bit longer.
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  • Shadow (2018) (DVD) (Hong Kong Version)Shadow (2018) (DVD) (Hong Kong Version)

    Shadow (2018) (DVD) (Hong Kong Version) DVD Region 3

    Customer Review Rated Bad 5 - 5 out of 10 (2)
    Our Price: US$10.99
    Usually ships within 7 to 14 days
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    August 15, 2019 Nice-looking Customer Review Rated Bad 4 - 4 out of 10
    If your expecting anything like "Hero" or "House of flying daggers", it won't be found in "Shadow". The complicated political story didn't engage me. I found the plot to be slow-paced and did get bored watching the film.
    The only good I can say about the film is that it is beautiful looking and the performances are very good. The action scenes are O.K but nothing special (and not long enough). It has good finale but takes a while to get there.
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  • Master Z: The Ip Man Legacy (2018) (DVD) (Hong Kong Version)Master Z: The Ip Man Legacy (2018) (DVD) (Hong Kong Version)

    Master Z: The Ip Man Legacy (2018) (DVD) (Hong Kong Version) DVD Region All

    Customer Review Rated Bad 8 - 8 out of 10 (1)
    Our Price: US$20.99
    Usually ships within 1 to 2 days
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    July 31, 2019 Good spin-off Customer Review Rated Bad 8 - 8 out of 10
    The fourth and spin-off of the 2015 Ip Man 3,Master Z-The Ip man legacy still has plenty of bite in the franchise.The Ip man films have been a hit ,one after another because the filmmakers kept the successful formula while keeping the action and its execution fresh. Though the stories have been told before they still come across as fresh and convincing.
    Master Z can stand alone without anything known about the three Ip Man films.The film has quite a few innovative action set pieces.The fights on the scaffolding and on the signs that cover the top of the building are impressive.It also has a good cameo from Thai fighter Tony Jaa and the best fight scenes in the film are when Master z fights Jaa for the second time and the fight between Master z and Dave Bautista.
    For a martial arts picture Master Z is above average and I was not expecting to like it and for me this and the first Ip Man film which had Donnie Yen are the best in the series.
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  • Paradox (2017) (DVD) (Hong Kong Version)Paradox (2017) (DVD) (Hong Kong Version)

    Paradox (2017) (DVD) (Hong Kong Version) DVD Region 3

    Customer Review Rated Bad 6 - 6 out of 10 (1)
    Our Price: US$11.99
    Usually ships within 7 to 14 days
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    1 people found this review helpful

    March 20, 2019 Good Action Customer Review Rated Bad 6 - 6 out of 10
    Paradox moves along at a brisk pace,its action scenes are the highlights.The plot is similar to that of 'Takken' with Koo undertaking the Liam Neeson role of a father out to find his daughter in Thailand.Louis Koo's performance is good in this movie but his fighting scenes are O.K and you can tell that he is more of an actor rather then a fighter.There are false leads,corrupt politician,organ trafficking and murder all playing a part in the unfolding tale of dark side of humanity,The fights are so stylized they do tend to take the viewer out of the drama, particulary when a person gets hit so hard he is propelled backwards in a 360 degree flip.Overall however Sammo Hung's fight choreography is both innovative and exciting.As with many genre flicks the action is the real star.
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  • Pacific Rim (2013) (DVD) (2-Disc Special Edition) (Hong Kong Version)Pacific Rim (2013) (DVD) (2-Disc Special Edition) (Hong Kong Version)

    Pacific Rim (2013) (DVD) (2-Disc Special Edition) (Hong Kong Version) DVD Region 3

    Customer Review Rated Bad 8 - 8 out of 10 (1)
    Our Price: US$13.49
    Usually ships within 7 to 14 days
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    May 17, 2014 very good Customer Review Rated Bad 8 - 8 out of 10
    I have been following this film for a while,largely becauce of the trailer.After watching the dvd I was not dissapointed and it was a visual feast.
    The action is good.The story flowed well and the actors played their roles well and the visuals were just awesome.
    Being familiar with Del Toro's past films I would say this could be his best yet.
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  • Special ID (2013) (DVD) (Hong Kong Version)Special ID (2013) (DVD) (Hong Kong Version)

    Special ID (2013) (DVD) (Hong Kong Version) DVD Region 3

    Customer Review Rated Bad 4 - 4 out of 10 (1)
    Our Price: US$10.99
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    1 people found this review helpful

    May 16, 2014 Not that special Customer Review Rated Bad 4 - 4 out of 10
    Im a huge fan of Donnie Yen and after watching the trailer of Special id I thought this another was gonna be another S.P.L,but unfortunatly it wasn't.

    My main problem with Special ID was Donnie Yen's character.It is repeatedly reiterated that Yen's character is stupid but can fight.We'er no longer in the 80's where an action hero can get by just on brawn.No one wants to root for a stupid character(unless it is done right) but that's how Yen's character was written.And to me this is a far cry from Yen's character in S.P.L.His character in this is just a silly caricature like something out of a kid's movie.Also worthy of note is the criminal underuse of Colin Chou-and nope no Donnie Yen vs Colin Chou.

    The action/fight scenes are o.k but not as good as S.P.L and Flash Point.Andy On and Jing Tian were good though.

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  • January 12, 2013 Surprisingly good Customer Review Rated Bad 8 - 8 out of 10
    I thought I was going to dislike this but to my surprise I kinda enjoyed expendables 2.The film has mind-blowing action from start to finish.I thought Jean Claude van damme plays his bad-guy role pretty well and chuck Norris was every bit as good as the lone wolf.

    if you looking for character and story development stay well clear.but if your looking for mind blowing action then expendables 2 is the one.
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  • The Raid: Redemption (2011) (DVD) (Hong Kong Version)The Raid: Redemption (2011) (DVD) (Hong Kong Version)

    The Raid: Redemption (2011) (DVD) (Hong Kong Version) DVD Region 3

    Customer Review Rated Bad 10 - 10 out of 10 (1)
    Our Price: US$10.99
    Usually ships within 7 to 14 days
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    1 people found this review helpful

    October 4, 2012 Raid it up Customer Review Rated Bad 10 - 10 out of 10
    To be honest I did not like the Raid when it first came out in cinemas.My thoughts of the film was that it was too fast for me to watch the action scenes.But when I bought the U.K version on dvd I loved every minute of it.The raid is one best action movies in a long time and I think it beats any other action film of 2012.The director,the star and martial arts choreographer of the film did a good job of bringing raw Indonesian martial arts to the screen.

    The u.k dvd version has a good Indonesian 5.1 audio but the English dub is pretty poor.It also has intresting commentary by the director and 30 minutes of extras.
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  • Legendary Amazons (2011) (VCD) (Hong kong Version)Legendary Amazons (2011) (VCD) (Hong kong Version)

    Legendary Amazons (2011) (VCD) (Hong kong Version) VCD

    Customer Review Rated Bad 2 - 2 out of 10 (1)
    Our Price: US$11.49
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    July 18, 2012 Boring Customer Review Rated Bad 2 - 2 out of 10
    Legendary Amazons was a boring film for me.I guess im not used to seeing women in battle.The end fight was not bad and there were few cool action shot.Eventhough I do like some battle films which are set in the past but with Legendary Amazons the characters and some parts of the story was just boring and not engaging.
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  • Horrible Bosses (2011) (VCD) (Hong Kong Version)Horrible Bosses (2011) (VCD) (Hong Kong Version)

    Horrible Bosses (2011) (VCD) (Hong Kong Version) VCD

    Customer Review Rated Bad 6 - 6 out of 10 (1)
    Our Price: US$6.99
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    February 25, 2012 Pretty Funny Customer Review Rated Bad 6 - 6 out of 10
    I think Horrible Bosses is little bit better than 'The Hangover film.This film is not an unmissable one but it is pretty funny in most scenes.Kevin Spacey role as the horrible boss reminded me very much from the film 'Swimming with Sharks' (in there he plays a horrible boss aswell).

    I thought some of the laughs were pretty funny and some were just trying to be funny but it just fails.

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  • White Vengeance (2011) (DVD) (Hong Kong Version)White Vengeance (2011) (DVD) (Hong Kong Version)

    White Vengeance (2011) (DVD) (Hong Kong Version) DVD Region All

    Customer Review Rated Bad 6 - 6 out of 10 (1)
    Our Price: US$17.99
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    4 people found this review helpful

    February 21, 2012 Good but not perfect Customer Review Rated Bad 6 - 6 out of 10
    White Vengeance is a swordplay film that takes its time developing its story and characters.I thought it was an elaborate and often lavish epic film.In the heart of the frantic battle scenes lies a thriller that shows characters planning and trying to out wit,manipulate and defeat one another.
    The performances,battle sequences,editing and music were done very well.The cinematography was also done well and did remind me of similar shots in previous english epic films such as Braveheart and Lord of the rings trilogy.
    The part that I notice weak about the film was infact the female character.In my opinion there was no need to have a female lead.

    Other than that the rest of the film was fine.
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  • January 24, 2012 Pretty good Customer Review Rated Bad 8 - 8 out of 10
    Supernatural is one of those episodes that has similar trends with the X-Files.I remember I was a huge fan of X-Files and Supernatural may not be as good as the X-Files it still is a entertaining show.If you are in to ghosts and deamons then you're gonna love every minutes of it.

    For me I did like the show but at some point I did feel that the some episodes from season 1,2 and 3 were typically corny.To truly enjoy 100% of this show you should watch on tv where it was meant to be seen.
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  • Vengeance (VCD) (Hong Kong Version)Vengeance (VCD) (Hong Kong Version)

    Vengeance (VCD) (Hong Kong Version) VCD

    Customer Review Rated Bad 8 - 8 out of 10 (1)
    Our Price: US$6.99
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    November 23, 2011 Good but not excellent Customer Review Rated Bad 8 - 8 out of 10
    I kinda liked this movie.I dont think it is good as Exiled.The parts that I found disappointing about it was the lack of character development and the whole story was little bit slow-paced.But it is the performances the editing,the feel of story and its balletic action that makes it a good film.
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  • Wu Xia (2011) (VCD) (Hong Kong Version)Wu Xia (2011) (VCD) (Hong Kong Version)

    Wu Xia (2011) (VCD) (Hong Kong Version) VCD

    Customer Review Rated Bad 8 - 8 out of 10 (1)
    Our Price: US$9.99
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    2 people found this review helpful

    November 5, 2011 Moody mystery action drama Customer Review Rated Bad 8 - 8 out of 10
    Wu Xia is an action film but it's more like a action drama.It is not an all-out action that I saw in the trailer.There are three major fight sequences and I are well choreograpghed by Donnie Yen.It has deep characters and a good cast to boost.Donnie Yen is good in the lead role but it is Takeshi Kaneshiro who I thought stole the show.
    There were some bits of the plot that I found confusing,may be because it is a brain-tickling noir.And I would of liked to see an fight sequence between Donnie and the 72 Demons.
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  • November 5, 2011 Goofy but entertaining Customer Review Rated Bad 6 - 6 out of 10
    This film is goofy but fun to watch.This was another one of Jackie's minor films,he's back in a smaller part,but he does have good fight scene with Richard Norton.I thought the ending was very good with lots of action.Some of the comedy is little bit out of date and some are still funny,and it's fun to see a young sexy Michell Yeoh in a small part.
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  • Punished (2011) (DVD) (Hong Kong Version)Punished (2011) (DVD) (Hong Kong Version)

    Punished (2011) (DVD) (Hong Kong Version) DVD Region 3

    Customer Review Rated Bad 6 - 6 out of 10 (1)
    Our Price: US$15.99
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    November 2, 2011 Good but not excellent Customer Review Rated Bad 6 - 6 out of 10
    Punished is very intresting revenge drama than most revenge films I'v seen.Though it may lack some action and a style of Jonnie To's own output it still makes a good revenge drama.The performance are good as well but it is Antony Wong's performance that gives this film the boost.

    Could have had more action though.
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  • October 12, 2011 The 80's Reservoir Dogs Customer Review Rated Bad 8 - 8 out of 10
    City on fire is a fine Honk Kong action film about a cop who goes undercover to arrest a bunch of criminals.Chow Yun Fat plays his role with usual style and class and Danny Lee plays his criminal role good as well.Director Ringo Lam has made an explosive film that inspired Quentin Tarantino to make his own classic Reservoir Dogs.
    Good story,good acting and good action.
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  • October 5, 2011 Average Customer Review Rated Bad 6 - 6 out of 10
    Tiger Cage 2 is only a name to the previous Tiger Cage.If you can look past the mish-mash story line of the love triangle,quirky comedy and just focus on the action then this would entertain the martial arts fans. Despite having Cynthia Khan and Carol Cheng in this film I felt that both actresses were heavily underused and their roles were minimal for their stature.

    But the action really does and I was dissapointed.
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  • The Legend Is Born - Ip Man (VCD) (Hong Kong Version)The Legend Is Born - Ip Man (VCD) (Hong Kong Version)

    The Legend Is Born - Ip Man (VCD) (Hong Kong Version) VCD

    Customer Review Rated Bad 8 - 8 out of 10 (1)
    Our Price: US$6.99
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    September 18, 2011 Good prequal film Customer Review Rated Bad 8 - 8 out of 10
    I was not disappointed by this movie and certainly was entertained.but this is not as close match to the sequals with Donnie Yen.The actor who plays the young Ip man is good but not a close match to Donnie Yen.I understand that this prequal was an early period of Ip man's life so it had to be played by another actor,but I am also guessing that I am not the only one who would like to see on more sequal with Donnie.I was also surprised that Summo Hung was only in this one for a short period of time.
    All in all pretty good acting and entertaining martial arts action.
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  • Bodyguards And Assassins (VCD) (Hong Kong Version)Bodyguards And Assassins (VCD) (Hong Kong Version)

    Bodyguards And Assassins (VCD) (Hong Kong Version) VCD

    Customer Review Rated Bad 8 - 8 out of 10 (1)
    Our Price: US$6.99
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    3 people found this review helpful

    September 14, 2011 very sad film Customer Review Rated Bad 8 - 8 out of 10
    Before buying the item I read lot of negative reviews of Body and Assassins and how crap it was.But I didn't care because it had Donnie Yen in it and I am Donnie Yen fan.
    After watching the film it surpassed my expectation.I thought it was shot and choreographed very well.Setting the story in the past was also done well.The actors,including Donnie Yen and Nicolas Tse, played their part good and you really do feel the pain and sence of honor these character go through in this journey.

    My only downside with the film is that the director didn't put enough action in the first half and didn' put Donnie Yen in many scenes.Other than that everything else was perfect.

    Highly recommended.
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